Weekly Devotions
Be the light in the sphere God has placed you
The devotional messages are to share what God has put in the heart through the study of the scriptures, listening to the wisdom of those who share in the faith, and conversations that raise concepts and issues significant to the pursuit of the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
What Would Make One Chosen, Selected And Equipped By God Become A Hallmark Of Evil?
Quotes To give glory to God is to reckon God to be what he is and to rely upon his power and faithfulness. (John Murray) Soli Deo gloria is about God and how he glorifies himself, but one magnificent way God glorifies himself is through glorifying us and enabling us...
Are You Choosing The Higher Ground In The Face Of Hostility?
Quotes God will fight your battles if you just keep still. He is able to carry you through. Trust Him. Keep standing, keep believing and keep hoping (Germany Kent). Self-love is, no doubt, the usual foundation of human jealousy…the fear lest another should by any...
Are The People Honoured As Heroes Representing What Is Best For The Kingdom Of God?
Quotes We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day – but remember at the time they didn’t know they were heroes (A. W. Tozer) In God’s eyes, the greatest heroes of faith are not those who achieve prosperity, success, and power in this life, but...
Might Doubt Be A Sign That One Is Taking Faith Seriously?
If faith never encounters doubt, if truth never struggles with error, if good never battles with evil, how can faith know its own power? In my own pilgrimage, if I have to choose between a faith that has stared doubt in the eye and made it blink, or a naïve faith that...
Might This Transition Time Be The Appropriate Time For The Kingdom Harvest?
At times God puts us through the discipline of darkness to teach us to heed Him. Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and we are put into the shadow of God’s hand until we learn to hear Him (Oswald Chambers) Right now counts forever (R. C. Sproul) The history of...
Is There Is Something About Love Of Money That Seems Totally Opposed To God’s Kingdom?
I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity (John Wesley). I place no value on anything I possess, except in relation to the kingdom of God (David Livingstone). We cannot expect lost people to adopt biblical morality in light of judgment by a God...
Might COVID 19 Be God’s Training Ground For Those Inheriting The Kingdom Of God?
In times of crisis, people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it (Viktor E. Frankl) Be careful of letting a season of pain and hurt make you think that these are all your journey with God is made of! (Eric Mason)...