HOW ARE YOU HANDLING THE CHALLENGE OF LETTING CHRIST BE VISIBLE IN A POLITICAL ELECTION SEASON? The success of our political and corporate life has been at the expense and neglect of the soul. As a result, very sick souls are making important decisions (Michael...
The Gospel of Jesus teaches men that a mere profession of faith alone is no sound evidence of salvation (Paul Washer) When we lie to ourselves, a dangerous blindness begins to grow within us (Stephen Arterburn and David Stoop) We feel we are making a difference...
We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn’t come naturally. It’s a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith...
WHAT DO YOU EXPECT OUT OF A LIFE TRANSFORMED BY THE WORD OF GOD? ·If you get into the habit of using religious language without knowing what you mean by it, you will increasingly become an empty shell. And many alien affections move into empty religious minds which...
WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES SOME PEOPLE PERSIST IN PRAYER WHILE OTHERS ARE CRUSHED BY ‘UNANSWERED PRAYER’? · When you cannot hear God, you will find that He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible — with absolute silence, not a silence of despair, but one of...
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE ONE’S NAME WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE? · When God writes our names in the ‘Lamb’s Book of Life’ He doesn’t do it with an eraser handy. He does it for eternity (R.C. Sproul) · There is paradox. The Bible teacher teaches...