WOULD IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IF YOU KNEW THAT CHRISTIANITY IS ALWAYS ONE GENERATION AWAY FROM EXTINCTION? We must be more afraid of flattery from the camp of the enemy than persecution. Read the pages of Church history. Persecution never did the Church of God any harm,...
IS IT POSSIBLE TO SERVE CHRIST WITHOUT CONTINUED NURTURING OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS? · If Jesus preached the same message ministers preach today, He would have never been crucified (Leonard Ravenhill) · It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our...
WHAT COULD INDICATE THAT ONE IS WALKING FULLY IN GOD’S DIRECTION? Jesus Christ carries on intercession for us in heaven; the Holy Ghost carries on intercession in us on earth; and we the saints have to carry on intercession for all men (Oswald Chambers) The insecure...
Quotes You cannot fulfill God’s purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans (Rick Warren) Your limitations are not simply obstacles to your success—they are also indications from God of the path your life is to take (Michel Quoist) “As C. S. Lewis said,...
QUOTES When the pandemic is over, and you are still alive, will others remember you as one of the “men of Issachar”? A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you ...