In the early church their power was electrifying, in the modern church our power is electronic (Leonard Ravenhill). When God is our distant ruler, we approach him as dutiful subjects or religious consumers. But when he is our loving Father, we experience him as his...
The idea of having faith in Jesus has come to be totally isolated from being his apprentice and learning how to do what he said (Dallas Willard) Salvation does not mean sinless perfection, but it does mean a new direction. (D. Greear) Thanksgiving and appreciation are...
Reflections: Unity and peace are very delightful; but they are bought too dear if they are bought at the expense of Truth. (C. Ryle) There is no other way to the happiness for which we were made. If you want to get warm, you must stand near the fire; if you want to be...
Reflections: Nothing in our life is purposeless, not even our wandering in the wilderness (Dustin Crowe) It is so easy to become more attached to the gifts of God than to the Giver—and even, I should add, to the work of God than to God Himself (Watchman Nee) Today I...
Reflections: Vagueness about the object of our praise inevitably leads to making our own praise the object (Michael Horton) Most Christians want a thrill or joy, but do not want holiness or the purity of a Spirit-filled life (A.W. Tozer) When it comes to life, the...