Weekly Devotions

With Dr. Rebecca Ng’ang’a

The devotional message is to share what God has put in the heart through the study of the scriptures, listening to the wisdom of those who share in the faith, conversations that raise concepts and issues significant to the pursuit of the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

The devotional messages are in response to the message in Hebrews 13:6 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”  It is seeking to share with others what enables creation  of  tension necessary for individuals to rise from myths and half truths to a reflective and deliberative dialogue that examine the source of information.

What the site offers

This website is borne out of a deep desire to see God move in our generation in an unprecedented way breaking up the fallow ground in the hearts and creating a yearning for the lordship of Christ. As heirs of God’s kingdom, the desire is to grow Christian polemicists who long to see lives transformed by the word of God. The desire is to be a champion of critical reflective thinking that enables the believers to have a biblical worldview that results in being effective witnesses of God’s saving grace through Christ wherever one goes. The website will include snippets from Lifestream Concerns that address developmental issues in Africa

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